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Beyond the Rings of Saturn

Beyond the Rings of Saturn


Product description

The flame beast brought sure death to its enemies-- and little better to its friends!


"Asteroid at three o'clock high!"

The voice of the technician manning the forward radar look-out position came into the control room of the cruiser, arousing there a frenzy of activity. Anywhere in space an asteroid was dangerous business. Here, inside the rings of Saturn, they were fairly common and all the more dangerous because they were frequent. In the big, easy chair from which all activities of the ship were controlled, fat Captain Adams hastily punched the button which would connect the big view screen directly in front of him with the radar scanning station in the nose of the ship.

In his agitation, he hit the wrong button. Instead of the bow radar, he got the set in the stern of the cruiser. There flashed on the screen in front of him, a view of the rings of Saturn--rings composed of millions of tiny particles of rock that were the remnants of a moon which once had circled Saturn until smashed in some cosmic collision in the far distant past.

At the captain's mistake, a little prickle of nervousness passed through the men in the control room. There was not a man in the ship who did not know that Captain Adams was over-due for retirement, that he made mistakes.

Vaston, the ship's executive officer and second in command, glanced at the fat captain. The sudden lines of worry were etched on the executive officer's face.

Realizing he had made a mistake, Captain Adams hastily punched another button. This time he got the right one. There flashed on the view screen in front of him a reproduction of a jagged chunk of rock floating serenely through space--the asteroid.

At the same instant the voice of the forward lookout came again.

"Asteroid not on collision course with us."

The report, plus the vision on the screen, brought instant relief to Captain Adams and to every other man in the control room, except possibly one man at the radio panels. This man was Johnson Crane. Technically, his rating on this cruiser was that of space radioman, first class. If he was anything more than that, no person on the ship had had any intimation of it. A big man, quiet, unobtrusive, there was a hint somewhere about him of hidden strength.

Listening to the report from the forward radar lookout, Crane wondered vaguely if there was anything wrong with it. There was plenty wrong on this ship, he knew. There was also something wrong here in space near the rings of Saturn. He, and some highly place people in Planetary Government, had been aware of this fact for more than two years. The question was--what? There had been wild reports from freighter captains of something seen here, there had been rumors--

Crane felt a tingle of electricity pass along his skin. It was a mild thing, something like the charge of static electricity a person picked up from walking across a rug on a chilly winter's day. Crane hardly noticed it. What he did notice was the sudden fixed stare that appeared in the eyes of a technician at the plotting table near him.

The man was looking at something. His face was frozen with fear.

Other men in the control room were also looking at something. On their faces was the same frantic look of cold fear.

Crane turned so quickly in his chair, he hardly seemed to move at all. Turned, then instantly stopped turning. Paralysis settled over him. During the space of seconds, he could not move a muscle.

He saw what the other men were seeing.

He saw IT.

A huge hour-glass of living flame half as tall as a man hung un-supported in the air of the control room. Alive with glowing colors in the red end of a spectrum, it seemed to have a flaming red core as big as a man's fist, a heart of some kind.
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Additional ISBN/GTIN9781612101750
Product TypeE-book
Format noteno protection
Publishing date03/11/2015
Article no.7106375
Data source no.942686
Product groupBU130
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Ich liebe liebe liebe dieses Buch!

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Der Klappentext hat mich sofort angesprochen und neugierig gemacht und deswegen musste das Buch mit nach Hause, leider hab ich wenig Zeit zum lesen und habe es dann per Hörbuch gehört.

Ich kam überhaupt nicht in der Geschichte rein und habe dafür lange gebraucht. Die Idee zu den 4 Londons fand ich sehr stark, aber mir hat was gefehlt und doch es ist schwer zu erklären, ich versuch es mal. Mir hat gestört das die Handlung zu wenig Spannung hatte und es einfach zu gradlinig lief. Hatte auch das Gefühl das viel offen gelassen wurde, obwohl der erste Band abgeschlossen ist wie z.b. Wieso es nur 4 Londons gibt und nicht 5 oder Wie wurden sie erschaffen. Es waren einfach zu viele Fragen offen.

Trotzdem werde ich Band 2 in Angriff nehmen und hoffe das mir dort die Fragen beantwortet werden.
Read it before the movie comes out - starring no one less than the great Emma Watson who is a huge fan herself!
This dark political fantasy plot about a young woman coming of age while trying to manage a kingdom, which is in utter disorder, had me hooked from beginning to end.
You certainly won't regret reading this highly accomplished debut novel.
This is a good book. It works very well as a time-travelley whodunit, with an interesting take on intertextuality ("Sea of Tranquility" makes multiple references to Mandel's other novels). However, "perfect is the enemy of good" - as a big fan of Mandel's work in general, to me this doesn't seem to be quite up to her usual standards. It's got an extremely tight-knitted, fast plot, which makes it very readable, but left me longing for that specific kind of awe-inducing let's call it complete incompleteness her other books tend to have. Here, her characters seem to be driven by plot and not the other way round. With Mandel's skill set as a writer, and all the cool, complex, literary stuff you can do with time travel, I simply feel like this could have been even better. But then again, I do admit that my expectations were probably way too high. You won't regret reading this.
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Das Problem eines Beststellers wie ?Mr. Parnassus Heim für magisch Begabte? ist, dass man einem weiteren Buch entgegenfiebert, dass den Bestseller nach Möglichkeit toppen soll. Das ist T.J. Klune in meinen Augen leider nicht ganz gelungen.
Ich habe das Buch gerne gelesen, obwohl ich oftmals am Rande meiner Vorstellungskräfte war. Wer kann wann was und warum berühren oder bewegen? Wie funktioniert das mit dem Seil zwischen Hugo und Wallace? Interessant fand ich überhaupt die Vorstellung einer Zwischenwelt. Ab
This 2006 Fantasy classic has been on my to-read-list for a loooong time. Now that I've read it, I wish I'd picked it up sooner. What a fantastic book full of brilliant ideas, exemplary worldbuilding and humor!
While the main plot of the book features a fraudulent heist, the heart of the novel lies in the touchingly epic friendship that is 'The Gentleman Bastards' - the band of thieves led by the book title's namesake - Locke Lamora.
I really enjoyed spending time with this gang of lovable characters and look forward to reading the next volumes.
Die Krähen Dilogie schließt an die Grisha Trilogie an, kann aber auch sehr gut unabhängig davon gelesen werden. Sie ist etwas erwachsener als die Vorgängerreihe, finde ich. Und sogar noch besser. Alle Protagonist*innen sind Verbrecher*innen, mehr oder weniger ruchlose, aber das ist egal, man schließt sie trotzdem ins Herz und drückt ihnen bei ihrer unmöglichen Mission die Daumen. Viel Spannung, viel Witz, ein bisschen Liebe und jede Menge Unterhaltung garantiert!
"The Adventures of Amina Al-Sirafi" is an entertaining read for anyone seeking a captivating blend of history, magic, and quirky badass characters. With its richly imagined medieval seafarer world set against the backdrop of the Arabian Sea, this book is a delightful adventure that lingers in the heart and mind long after the final page.

It's the first in a trilogy and one of my absolute favorite books of 2023!
Düster, fesselnd, blutig- Grausig gut! Eine spannende Märchenadaption, ein düsteres Setting. Christina Henry hat die uns bekannten Figuren aus Alice im Wunderland einmal durch den Fleischwolf gezogen und was dabei heraus kommt ist einfach fantastisch. Ich kann das Buch jedem Empfehlen der eine bunte Mischung aus Fantasy, Horror und schrägem Humor zu schätzen weiß!
A special treat for anyone who has read and loved the Mistborn Trilogy.
Legitimately named 'A Secret History' I won't spoil any of the story here. Let me just say that it revolves around one of the most beloved characters in Sanderson's Cosmere universe, so don't miss out!
Gabriel de Leon erzählt uns seine Lebensgeschichte , Lebensgeschichte voll mit Vampiren und anderen Monstern, aber auch eine Geschichte wo der menschliche Gefühle immer auf die erste Stelle stehen, wo Hass ist nur ein kleines Schritt von leidenschaftlicher Liebe entfernt, wo die Glaube führt zum Aufopferung , wo der Freundschaft bedeutet mehr als Leben und wo der Hoffnung stirbt nie.

Unglaublich gutes Buch, nicht nur wenn geht um die fantastische Story , nein der Autor hat hier viel mehr zum Licht gebracht, die Abgründe von Menschen und die ganze Grausamkeiten welche die sich tuen, aber auch die gute was in jeder Mensch schlummert ist hier mit großen Schrift geschrieben, das Buch ist voller Kontrasten und in diesen steckt die Stärke, das ist nicht nur Vampir Geschichte das ist berührende Geschichte über uns Menschen und über das was wir können aus purer Liebe und Leidenschaft schaffen- die Glaube versetzt die Bergen .

Fesselnd von die erste Seite, mit überraschenden Wendungen, b
Portal Fantasy at its best and that by a debut author!
The main story is set in the end of the 19th century in rural USA where the wonderful, interesting protagonist January is trying to uncover the mystery around her identity and her parents' lives. My absolute favorite character though is her VERY GOOD dog named 'Bad' who accompanies her everywhere.
The romantic subplot, which normally activates my eyeroll-muscles, was pleasant and understated.
It also received a series of completely well-deserved nominations for renowned awards such as the Locust, Hugo and Nebula.
Sarah Pinsker hat schon vor der Coronapandemie diesen Roman über eine Welt im Stillstand geschrieben. Nach mehreren Terroranschlägen und weltweiten Pandemien leben die Menschen quasi nur noch zu Hause und verlassen kaum noch ihre Heimatstädte. Gearbeitet wird nur noch im Homeoffice für ein alles beherrschendes großes Unternehmen. Pinskers Hauptfigur, eine junge Frau, wird zufällig zur Musikagentin, die auf höchst-illegalen weil vor großen Gruppen von Zuschauern gespielten Konzerten nach neuen Talenten für die allgegenwärtigen Streamingshows Ausschau halten soll.
Ein großartiger Roman über die aktuellen Fragen von Freiheit, Sicherheit und der Bedeutung von Gesellschaft und ja auch dem Sinn des Lebens. Großartig und zu Recht mehrfach preisgekrönt.
I liked this book a lot more than Sophie Kims other book. Her writing improved a lot and both characters are fun to read, and the story is entertaining. The story takes place in the 1990th and Kim Hani and Seokga are the typical enemies to lovers but both have a lot of pride, so the fights are funny to read, because both want to be better than the other.
This book is for Korea fans and for fans of good urban fantasy.
