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The 'Civil War - Boxed Set: 40+ Historical Novels & Tales of the American War' is a monumental anthology that spans a formidable array of literary styles and historical perspectives, offering readers an immersive dive into the heart of American Civil War literature. Through a curated selection of novels and tales, this collection encapsulates the multifaceted human experience of one of the most tumultuous periods in American history. From the gritty realism of battlefield narratives to the nuanced portrayals of personal and political conflicts behind the front lines, the diversity and significance of these works lie not only in their individual merits but in their collective capacity to paint a comprehensive portrait of a nation divided. Standout pieces within the collection vividly bring to life the era's poignant struggles and triumphs, all the while maintaining a diverse array of narrative voices and literary techniques. This anthology serves as both a cornerstone of Civil War literature and a testament to the enduring power of storytelling in navigating the complexities of history. The contributing authors and editors, hailing from varied backgrounds, collectively offer a rich tapestry of insights into the Civil War era. Their works align with and contribute to a range of historical, cultural, and literary movements, from realism to romanticism, each adding depth to the anthology's exploration of the Civil War. The inclusion of authors like Jules Verne and Mark Twain, alongside a cohort of distinguished historians and novelists, ensures a multidimensional perspective that transcends conventional narratives. This ensemble not only chronicles historical events but also delves into the personal, ethical, and societal upheavals of the time, providing a comprehensive understanding that is both scholarly and profoundly human. This collection is recommended for readers who seek to immerse themselves in the complex layers of the Civil War through a prism of compelling narratives and nuanced examinations. It offers a unique opportunity to explore diverse perspectives, styles, and themes curated from a pivotal era in American history. Engaging with this anthology promises an educational journey, a breadth of insights, and a stimulating dialogue between the works of prolific authors, making it an invaluable addition to the libraries of historians, literary scholars, and anyone intrigued by the American Civil War and its lasting legacies on national consciousness.


Weitere ISBN/GTIN8596547722496
FormatFormat mit automatischem Seitenumbruch (reflowable)
Dateigrösse26212067 Bytes
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Jane Austen is a writer ruined by TV adaptation (before you all start writing letters, I know there are good ones). Despite two centuries of inclusion in the canon, there are still many (and I am afraid they are mostly men) who dismiss her as 'frivolous', 'saccharine' or 'unserious'. This means it is only worth continuing to discuss Austen with people if they either don't use any of the aforementioned adjectives or if, by the latter, they mean, she is one of the funniest writers in English (full stop). If you don't know this already, the first page of 'Persuasion' will convince you, and then her biting, satirical commentary on Georgian society will show you that far from reverently writing about it out of admiration, she irreverently lambasts it and its eccentric snobbish hierarchy (people who write her off will probably say John Oliver likes Trump because both wear suits). If you don't believe me (and even if you do), read her (and start with 'Persuasion') before you watch her.
Auch wenn ich Zweigs Sprache bisweilen als etwas schwulstig und altertümlich empfinde und die Miniaturen ein gewisses Maß an Geschichtswissen voraussetzen, haben mich viele der Handlungen gepackt. Besonders Scotts dramatische Südpolexpedition war fast unerträglich spannend.
Der ganz besondere Reiz dieses Buches ist, dass es sich um wahre Begebenheiten handelt und somit Geschichte lebendig werden lässt. Als Leser lernt man unter anderem Händel, Goethe und Tolstoi privat kennen und hat das Gefühl, mit ihnen in einem Raum zu sitzen.
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A short and comparatively easy-to-read British classic from 1886 about the duality of human nature. Stephenson's linguistic eloquence is a pleasure to consume!
Jane Austen is a writer ruined by TV adaptation (before you all start writing letters, I know there are good ones). Despite two centuries of inclusion in the canon, there are still many (and I am afraid they are mostly men) who dismiss her as 'frivolous', 'saccharine' or 'unserious'. This means it is only worth continuing to discuss Austen with people if they either don't use any of the aforementioned adjectives or if, by the latter, they mean, she is one of the funniest writers in English (full stop). If you don't know this already, the first page of 'Persuasion' will convince you, and then her biting, satirical commentary on Georgian society will show you that far from reverently writing about it out of admiration, she irreverently lambasts it and its eccentric snobbish hierarchy (people who write her off will probably say John Oliver likes Trump because both wear suits). If you don't believe me (and even if you do), read her (and start with 'Persuasion') before you watch her.
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Jules Verne (1828-1905), a prolific French novelist, poet, and playwright, is renowned for his adventure novels and his profound influence on the literary genre of science fiction. Born in the seaport city of Nantes, Verne cultivated a lifelong fascination with travel and exploration-a recurring theme in his body of work. His visionary writing encompasses extraordinary voyages and technological advancements far ahead of his time. While the referenced 'Civil War - Boxed Set: 40+ Historical Novels & Tales of the American War' does not align with the known works of Jules Verne, his notable contributions include classics such as 'Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea' (1870), 'Journey to the Center of the Earth' (1864), and 'Around the World in Eighty Days' (1873). These seminal works epitomize Verne's imaginative storytelling and his innovative use of the novel format to speculate about futuristic technologies and undiscovered landscapes. His work not only entertains but also encourages scientific curiosity and the exploration of the unknown. Verne's masterful blend of in-depth research, high adventure, and educational dialogue has made him one of the most translated authors in history and a cornerstone in literature classes worldwide.

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